
Downtime Product Suite

Offline – but never ever off your game.

System downtime is unavoidable, whether it’s scheduled or unscheduled. When MEDITECH is offline, productivity is disrupted, and patient safety is compromised. Our comprehensive downtime solutions give your staff easy access to key clinical information so they can provide continuous quality care.


Offline Views

Ensures that your staff can continue making critical decisions when MEDITECH is offline. Near real-time, user-friendly views (of MAR, patient visit history, allergies, nursing, orders and results, appointments, medications, and more) eliminate the need for paper charts and reports.


Network Down

Offers a layer of redundancy, so that downtime views are replicated to stand-alone PCs. With this strategic plan in place, you’ll have peace of mind. Your staff will have continuous access to critical information. And your patients will have the uninterrupted, quality care they deserve.


Downtime Registration

Maintains the integrity of your registration process while safely admitting, discharging, and transferring patients. Once MEDITECH is back online, the information syncs with the click of a button. The risk of duplicate MRNs is greatly reduced. And you’ll always know where your patients are.


All Needs. All Size Organizations. All Covered.

Whether you want to build your own data repository, write your own integration, or have a strategy when your MEDITECH system is down – IPeople has you covered. Our products give healthcare organizations the clarity and control the need to succeed.

Ready to learn more?

Everyone has their preferred way of communicating. If you’d like to email us, please fill out the form below. Prefer a live human? Please call us at (214) 222-1125.

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